Saturday, July 18, 2009

Change of Plans

So right now I'm sitting in Cruz del Sur which happened to be the palce that I did my first entry from Peru. This time the scenerio's a little different. My classes just finished yesterday and I have 5 days before my dad gets here so I planned on going to Trujillo where there are more ruins and temples and other cool things to do. I had reserved my trip and was ready to go when last night I happened to run into the coordinator of the orphanage in Ayacucho. In case you didn't know there are over 8 million people in Peru and I happened to just run into one of the only 3 volunteers left from when I was in Ayacucho. She explained to me that there are currently only 3 volunteers. If you haven't read my entry about the Casa let me explain that the casa has 27 children, 7 of which have cerebal palsy or other simliar problems. There are senoritas that help out but volunteers are there to help out in any way possible. The ideal number of volunteers is around 12 and when I was there the most we had was over 20 and the fewest was 9. The week with 9 was very demanding and exhausting so naturally I was concerned to hear that there are only 3. So...after a little bit of thought I decided to cancel my trip to Trujillo and I am now waiting for my bus so that I can return to Ayacucho and help out for 5 days while they are trying to find more volunteers and while I'm waiting for my dad. As I mentioned it only took a little bit of thought to make this decision. These kids aren't just numbers, they aren't just orphans, they are my children and so when I heard that they were in need I did not hesitate to drop my bags and head back to Ayacucho. This was one of the main reasons I came to Peru and so I look forward to helping out a little more.

P.S. sorry for the lack of Machu Pichu pics my professors decided to give me 4 papers and a presentation and only 3 days to do them all and I just realized I left my cord at the house in Lima so I wont be posting pics till I get back to the US

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